Zero Energy Ready Home

Performed by RESNET Certified HERS Raters, Home Energy Experts Trained to the Highest Standards

The Section 45L Tax Credit for Energy Efficient New Homes has been updated and extended through 2032. New single-family and manufactured homes acquired on or after January 1, 2023, are eligible to receive a Tax Credit when they meet ENERGY STAR Version 3.1 Program Requirements ($2500), or receive DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes certification ($5000). Multifamily homes are available for a tax credit of $500/$1000, or $2,500/$5000 when prevailing wage requirements are also met.

“Zero Energy Ready Homes are the home of the future because they live, work, and last better with incredibly low or no energy costs. And what’s exciting for American homebuyers, they are available today thanks to leading builders across the country.”

Samuel Rashkin, Chief Architect for DOE Building Technologies Office

Builder & Developer Benefits

The DOE Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) is a compelling way to recognize builders for their leadership in increasing energy efficiency, improving indoor air quality, and making homes zero energy ready. The program builds upon the comprehensive building science requirements of ENERGY STAR® for Homes, along with proven Building America innovations and best practices. Other special attribute programs are incorporated to help builders reach unparalleled levels of performance with homes designed to last hundreds of years.

Zero Energy Ready Home leverages proven innovations from U.S. Department of Energy research that can significantly benefit all housing stakeholders:


  • Better home experience (health, comfort, protection, and future value)
  • Lower ownership cost


  • Superior customer satisfaction
  • Less liability
  • Market differentiation

Our Nation

  • $150 billion of utility savings added to economy
  • 1 million jobyears of additional work
  • 1+ million metric tons of carbon emissions avoided
  • More resilient electric grid with significantly lower peak demand

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 significantly modified the §45L Tax Credit for homes sold or leased in 2023 and onward. New homes that meet ENERGY STAR requirements are eligible for…» Read more

Third Party Verification

New homes that meet ENERGY STAR and Indoor AirPLUS requirements are eligible to earn DOE ZERO ENERGY READY HOME certification. Third party verification is a central component of the DOE ZERO ENERGY READY guidelines and and gives homebuyers and renters confidence that their new homes are energy efficient and healthful.

ICS works closely with builders and developers to design homes and multifamily buildings that meet the Program Requirements and verify critical construction details during and after construction. We understand that your bottom-line matters, and our team of experts are specially trained to find the most cost effective path to meet new performance standards without sacrificing your integrity. Contact us today and find out why ICS is the fastest growing rating company in the US.

Partner Requirements

The first step to becoming a Zero Energy Ready Home partner is to register. The Zero Energy Ready Home program offers partnerships for builders, verifiers (raters), architects and designers, and innovation partners (manufacturers and organizations). Upon registration, all partners are required to take the Zero Energy Ready Home Orientation Webinar.

Once you have registered as a partner, and completed the Zero Energy Ready Home Orientation Webinar, you will be listed on the Partner Locator tool. For more information on registration and the partnership visit our Partner Central page.

Hear what builders are saying about DOE ZERH…


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